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Certification List

Virtuoso Schematic Editor Exam

Issued by Cadence Design Systems on 05.05.2023


The earner of this badge can create and edit schematics with Virtuoso Schematic Editor. The earner can use the Verilog In and SPICE In translators to generate netlists and symbols. The earner can create the circuit netlist and run a simulation and add design rules using the Constraint Editor and Circuit Prospector assistants. The earner can also create inherited connections and generate layout instances from the schematic.


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Virtuoso Layout Design Basics Exam

Issued by Cadence Design Systems on 05.05.2023


The earner of this badge will learn the fundamental methods of creating cells at the device level. The earner can create rectangles, polygons, paths, wires, and cell instances. The earner can edit those shapes to meet design-rule specifications. The earner can traverse the hierarchy to edit in place or descend into a cell by itself for editing. The earner can also create new cells representing low-level cells, and then create a top-level block design using the skills learned in the earlier modules.


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Value Management Associate

Issued by SAVE International on 01.31.2024

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The first level is the Value Methodology Associate (VMA). VMA is a recognition designed for Individuals who are new to the Value Methodology field and have received basic Value Methodology training. Someone with a VMA certification has demonstrated a good understanding of the principles and the basic tools of the Value Methodology and is able to contribute effectively as a member of a value study team. This entry level certification is encouraged for those desiring to have ongoing involvement in Value Management. (Value Management includes the practices of both Value Analysis and Value engineering.

Certification Number: 202401058

OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety

Issued by the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers on 07.07.2022

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OSHA 10-hour training teaches basic safety and health information to entry-level workers in construction and general industry. It is part of the OSHA Outreach Training Program, which explains serious workplace hazards, workers' rights, employer responsibilities and how to file an OSHA complaint.


Name: Joe Kieta

Card Number: 34-006296093


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